Science fiction romance series written by Shona Husk, Denise Rossetti and Mel Teshco and published by Momentum. Books 1, 2 and 3 out 28 August 2014. Books 4, 5 and 6 out late November 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Alex Tariel-20
On the shuttle. I think I want to throw up—I’m sure it’s nerves. The planet is a long way down, from up here the oceans still look blue. Someone is talking about how there used to be whales in them as big as a bus, now it’s just squids. Apparently they are tasty—guess I’ll never get to find out. On the shuttle we were each given a handbook on Solitaire including a brief run down on what is edible and poisonous. The book is made from hemp paper. I think I had paper books as a kid for coloring or something. Amazing. And everyone on the ship got one.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Corporal Sienna Jade-20
They started loading the ships today. Is it possible to get claustrophobic on such a giant ship? I’ll be trapped in it for a year. 12 months without seeing the sky or feeling rain or having fresh food. What if we run out of food?
The three of them are big blots in the sky. I never wanted to leave Earth and now it’s going to happen. I don’t know what is going to be worse: dying in space or arriving and dying of starvation. Some of the women are joking about how they’ll get their pick of they’ll be able to extract all kinds of favors for sex. I feel like I’m not ready for this. I’m not made of the right stuff. I’m not of course as I was shoved into the program because I was a problem not because I have whatever they were looking for. Tomorrow is my last day on Earth. One way ticked, no swapsies.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Chief Rita Songworth - 12
I've always felt privileged at being one of the lucky ones to start a new life, yet all around me even the most malnourished 'outsiders' are giving us and the rest of the crew pitying looks. I've heard the gossip. Many people don't think we'll even make it halfway to the new world of Solitaire. Many others imagine the whole idea is make-believe, a way for the elite and the government to get rid of a whole lot of prisoners and people from a world already overcrowded.
Chief Rita Songworth,
ES Siren,
Mel Teshco,
Yours to Uncover
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Alex Tariel-19
New uniform today, yellow and black, and everything is stamped with my number. I feel like I no longer have a name as it’s all 1789 do this, sign this, line up, sit down, eat, sleep. I’m sure it’s a last minute test to see who can follow orders. I did yet another aptitude test today. This time they made us hand write everything. I’m pretty sure Janet’s chickens could’ve done a better job.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Tristan MacFallan - 12
One of the members of the community recognized me today. I'd seen him watching me too many times not to know something was up. Of course now the whole damn community knows who I am it's elevated myself and my wife in their eyes. I'm back to being a celebrity of sorts, but I can't help but hate being in the limelight, with everyone's focus on us. I can't shake the feeling it's not going to do us any good, not long term.
ES Siren,
Mel Teshco,
Tristan MacFallan,
Yours to Uncover
Friday, October 10, 2014
Corporal Sienna Jade-19
More on the job training. Medicals on all the prisoners. I have seen more naked guys today than I have in my entire life. Most of them are young and fit (I do not know how I got assigned to the male prison but it is not all bad), I suspect the government really is planning on running them into the ground which is really sad. In their black and yellow uniforms they look like bees. LOL. Anyway I need to spend some quality time alone after all that flesh on display ;)
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Alex Tariel-18
I’ve been told sirens used to sing men to their deaths. Great. I was transferred to the holding ground for cons getting on the ships. People are picketing against us going, saying we don’t deserve it because we are criminals. That’s probably true. But there’s nothing on the planet except a small research base, everything has to be built. It will be hard. And if we all die the government has lost nothing. We’re expendable. It’s a weird mix of excitement and terror. I wonder how the scientists and civilians feel?
Friday, October 3, 2014
Corporal Sienna Jade-18
Everyone on base had to sit through a lecture on how to keep your dick in your pants. No frat. (Seriously has this guy ever been on a deployment? Sex happens, sometimes it’s just nice to remind yourself that you survived while the person who had been next to you is mush). Anyway things calmed down after that. Prisoners are going to start arriving next week. That should up the tension again.
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